Tuesday, February 21, 2012

FL studio 10 with Guitar Rig 5

74 comment(s)
click on the play button to hear a 10 second instrumental and summon dragons and unicorns behind you.,XD

It wasn't until I finished creating this 10 second instrumental that I came to realize I'm actually running away from doing my senior project. I never expected that implementing what I proposed would be so difficult. Although there is this lingering assurance that I'll still be able to get a passing mark even though I fail to reimplement everything that needs to be reimplemented for so long as I could scholarly explain why I failed to do so, It still bugs me that I can't seem to successfully carry out the things that I said I would... What pains me more is that it's not because I'm being lazy at it but because I'm not intelligent enough to handle it.

This ten second instrumental somehow breaks the chain of frustrations I have been experiencing for the past week whenever I would go to my adviser's office and have him check my work. I appreciate how he seems to sugarcoat and express this line, "You still have the wrong output", in so many different ways so that it wouldn't come across as hurtful. However upon leaving his office the frustration somehow still always pierces through, knowing that I'm still not that capable to understand.

So for today and tomorrow, I plan to do ishtuff that would make me feel successful.

do some kind of instrumental - check!
go back to bed - after publishing this post
attend an alternative class program dance session under Myk - come this 1pm
download wordpress and try working on the DCS website assignment - probably this evening
work on problem sets 3 (develop AI for tictactoe using minimax algorithm) and 4 (implement id3 decision tree algorithm) for my Artificial Intelligence subject - tomorrow from dawn till dusk

So I bid myself goodluck, and I hope doing these things would fill my mind with enough success to actually do something significantly productive come friday when I would be working once again on my senior project. x_x

I'm sorry for ranting.. T^T The original idea was to say something about the new FL STUDIO 10 (I was using FL8 before) and GUITAR RIG 5.. so here goes...

FL STUDIO 10 makes midi files sound pretty awesome with GUITAR RIG 5 as the filter used in the mixer tracks... Eargasm (XD) is achieved especially when SHREDDAGE is used to feed ampless guitar sounds in. (I used KONTAKT 4 to hold the sheddage library).

The thing with this new set-up is that sheddage captures the subtle changes in velocity and converts it into a guitar sound that exhibits the changes in these velocities, so much so that, when the velocity on a certain note is low, you hear a chugging sound that almost sounds like the elec guitar has been played palm-muted, and when the velocity on a certain note is high, you hear the guitar sound as if the guitar has been strummed forcefully. Hence, it's called velocity, pertaining to the velocity of the strumming hand as it hits the strings.

This is the only feature I have been able to play with so far ^^;... I'm looking forward to doing more rock covers nao that the emulated guitar sounds FL produces somehow sounds like real guitars.,XD..

Thanks a million mark (youtube.com/etherealurtz) for giving me a copy of everything. When I'm done with everything we're going to have fun... I wanna rest my palm on that new electric guitar of yours. =]


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Facebook Parenting: Tommy Jordan superfather

87 comment(s)

I feel I'll have no trouble getting the principles conveyed by this 8 minute masterpiece inside my subconscious...
This is a video that shows how extreme situations could really drive a point.

Siding with parties isn't usually my thing, but the amount of stupid and aimless comments in this video as well as in the original thread ( http://www.facebook.com/tommyjordaniii/posts/299559803434210 ), trigger my opinion that if you dislike this man and if you find his sentiments as senseless, then you probably are some kind of spoiled brat. *to those people* If you're commenting for show or trying to be funny with your comments, I suggest posting them on 9gag, not on a video where the amount of truth is over 9000!. I find it alarming that truths are being addressed with mockery these days. *now I sound like a dad* x_x

I find it refreshing to be reminded that I'm having it easy. Responsibilities often range from fixing the bed, washing the dishes, cleaning the house, being good at that favourite computer game and, at max, carrying out errands (academics, personal, etc.). These golden gentlemen (our dads) had to send themselves to school by switching between jobs. These brave cowboys had to study with voices behind their heads constantly bugging them, 'will I be able to get the money to still be able to come to class for next week?'
'Should I skip a meal to have some spare allowance for tomorrow? (and it's not for roses, it's for life)' .. .. ..

To the daughter - - - you're not being punished, you're being disciplined;;; And mind you, when things become real, (and that's gonna be soon), you'll find out that crying because you got a white iPhone instead of a black one isn't worth any of anyone's tears. We had it easy... we had it easy...

*post to serious.,., mu-.,., must f-f-f-find parody*

THERE!!! =]., haha., happy monday guys!! hope you have a good one.,XDXD


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Initializing Constants

27 comment(s)
...because when I tell people they're special to me, They ARE, and they forever will be...

...because, the decision to allocate for you a specific portion of the memory space I was privileged to consume during the indeterminate runtime of this program called life, was not a mistake and was a decision scrutinized and meticulously plotted... 

...because when I decided that you be in the category of variables which cannot be changed, I saw to it that my algorithms were in check.

...I may not always use you, but be assured that you are a significant placeholder. You are of great value to my program. Although I admit that I pass you as a parameter to only few of the many functions that I use, remember that, your absence could mean wrong calculations distorted precision and values that do not make sense. You make things right, precise and sensible.

...Be assured that I wouldn't just delete you. That would bring more harm than forgetting a semi-colon. The whole program would crash.  And even if initializing you as a constant was a mistake in the first place.. I embrace it anyway... for I find it to be a blessing that you've shown me how I err as I go through runtime.

...Don't worry... no change in your methods will ever get in the way of my appreciation for you and for what you do. For I always would call you by reference (&) and see you for who you were when you used to be in main( ); 

...If for some reason, a logic bug happens, and you end up being a data type different from who you were. Don't worry... in my eyes, I've already typecasted you to be the same wonderful constant variable you used to be...

...I hope that when the time comes that you'll choose to be in another .class file. Promise me that you'll declare yourself as public static... That way, I could try and use all the possible dot operators I can to fetch the value you hold... You are that important - - - and I'm willing to make some of my private variables public as well in order for the .class file you're in to connect with mine.

...you are a wonderful constant; The decision to declare you as such wasn't a mistake... You are special... and you forever will be

~neithan (02/15/12 8:55PM) | *post done under the influence of Toblerone*
