Monday, April 16, 2012

Checkmark | an untimely valentines day post

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*ideas lifted from ze's vlogs*

In sixth grade I made a valentines day card for little miss right. It said, "Do you like me? yes or no? ..... check one" (it has those little checkboxes next to each word)

I don't know what happened to that card.

Maybe she didn't have a pen.,., or she lost it., I'm not sure.

That was back when we really understood the rules of attraction. It was just 'yes' or 'no'. There was no 'maybe'. Maybe came later when we learned words  like 'salary'... and 'job security'... and 'erectile dysfunction'.,LOL.XD


to the Angels Next In Line

77 comment(s)
Dear Angel,

I wanna share with you some things I learned from wheezywaiter and zeFrank... Thought it could help in getting you started with the project you're gonna develop for the whole of next year... so here goes...

*tight hug*

Even if you don't wanna start, you will..

This is an invocation for anyone who has not yet begun... who's stuck in that terrible place between zero and one.

Realize that your past failures that had followed through are no indication of your future performances, they are just healthy little fires that are there to warm you up.

If your 'Let's get it On' attitude is strong, remember to keep it in a velvet box until you really really need it. If your 'Let's get it On' attitude is weak, fortify it by feeding it oranges of humility and self-trust. Do not strengthen it by letting it gorge itself in ego and arrogance.

When coding... remember to not hit up your facebook like it's a crackpipe... keep the browser closed... ^^
